How to deploy a gun server

1. Launch an aws ec2 instance

  1. go to aws ec2 console

  2. click Instances > Launch an instance

  3. Configure the instance according to the table below and create it

    key value comment
    Instance Name my-gun-server
    Image Ubuntu Quick Start > Ubuntu > 64-bit(x86)
    Instance type t3.medium recommended
  4. Find the created instance named my gun server in Instances and wait for the instance creation to complete

  5. Select the instance, find and click on the security group Security groups in the Security section below

  6. Edit inbound rules Start adding rules and save them.

    Type Source
    HTTP Anywhere-IPv4
    HTTPS Anywhere-IPv4
    HTTP Anywhere-IPv6
    HTTPS Anywhere-IPv6
  7. Select the instance, find and click Connect to connect to the instance and enter sudo - s to obtain root permissions

2. Deploy the latest version of gun relay peer

# Setup Gun Services
bash ./
systemctl daemon-reload
# gun service will start automatically after reboot
systemctl enable gun-server.service
# Start the gun service immediately
systemctl start gun-server.service